7,640 research outputs found

    Fear of the Unknown: Familiarity and Economic Decisions

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    Evidence indicates that people fear change and the unknown. We offer a model of familiarity bias in which individuals focus on adverse scenarios in evaluating defections from the status quo. The model explains the endowment effect, portfolio underdiversification, home and local biases. Equilibrium stock prices reflect an unfamiliarity premium. In an international setting, our model implies that the absolute pricing error of the standard CAPM is positively correlated with the amount of home bias. It also predicts that a modified CAPM holds wherein the market portfolio is replaced with a portfolio of the stock holdings of investors not subject to familiarity bias.

    The Challenges of Business Analytics: Successes and Failures

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    The successful use of business analytics is an important element of a company’s success. Business analytics enables analysts and managers to engage in an IT-driven sense-making process in which they use the data and analysis as a means to understand the phenomena that the data represent . Not all organizations apply business analytics successfully to decision making. When used correctly, the actionable intelligence gained from a business analytics program can be utilized to improve strategic decision making. Conversely, an organization that does not utilize business analytics information appropriately will not experience optimal decision making; failing to realize the full potential of a data analytics program. This paper examines some organizations that implemented data analytics programs; both successfully and unsuccessfully, and discuss the implications for each organization. Based on the lesson learned, we present ways to implement a successful business analytics program

    Resiliencia y sus características en los padres de familia, Chota 2014

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    La teoría de la resiliencia cobra significado a partir de las diferencias en la reacción ante circunstancias adversas, generadoras de stress. Mientras algunas personas sucumben a dichas circunstancias, evidenciando desequilibrio y trastornos a diversos niveles. Otras se desarrollan exitosamente a pesar de la adversidad. Precisamente las preguntas principales formuladas por los investigadores sociales en los últimos años en esta área se relacionan con el problema de la determinación del enfrentamiento exitoso al stress y a la adversidad. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objeto identificar las características de la resiliencia ante situaciones adversas en los padres de familia de la I.E. N° 10385 “Santa Rafaela María” de Chota en el presente año 2014. Este trabajo pretende hacer una descripción de la realidad problemática en el campo de la resiliencia ante situaciones adversas. Es una investigación cuantitativa – descriptiva que busca conocer y describir la realidad mencionada utilizando un instrumento, válido y fiable, que consiste en un test con escala ordinal tipo likert